Most days at work that I think, "If I have to sit in this chair or look at this computer screen one minute longer, I am going to run out screaming profanities." But instead I just mutter those profanities under my breath and watch something on YouTube.
I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to sing in a community choir here in
Kingsville that is predominately old people. Let's weigh the pros and cons...
-I can sing in a choir and that's fun
-Old people love to bake stuff for young single people
-Continuous offers of
Werther's Originals from old men
PSSSSST sound oxygen tanks make every 10 seconds
-That really wobbly octogenarian vibrato
-I'll probably be known as Wayne the whole timeEither way, I'll probably end up doing it. It will give me some pretty good stories.
My car might be seeing it's final days. I am taking it to the shop tomorrow to have it looked at because the air conditioner is out, the service engine light is on, and its making a really crazy noise when you start it. In summary, it's effed.
I'm worried that it's going to be expensive to fix so I am going to start looking at new cars that get good gas mileage. Suggestions are appreciated.
I recently had my 90 day evaluation, the only complaint was from an elderly Board Member who said I needed to shave everyday. This was like a slap in my two day unshaven face. As a recent college graduate, I haven't shaved everyday since high school. So, now I'm trying to find a religion I can use as an excuse not to shave, even though no one laughed when I said, "Allah and my fellow Jihad members aren't going to like that..."
While in Austin last week, I had Bubble Tea twice. With that being said, I retract what I said about hating Bubble Tea. However, after the 100 degree heat melted the last few "pearls" at the bottom it looked like someone had taken a mallet to a couple of minnows in the bottom of my drink, and it almost ruined Bubble Tea for me once again. Almost.
This last Sunday at church we talked about having a plan and how God works through our plans. Pastor Bil said, "Whoever said there is a difference between God's plan and our own?" and "God never squashes a dream, it's biblical." I have really been praying a lot about these things he said, because I'm not sure that I agree.
He encouraged everyone to write down 50 things that you want, I have spent the last few days coming up with mine. Bil said that once you get past, new car, make millions, and all the other temporary riches you will really start to state what you want out of life. And when you look back at your list you can see underlying themes and specific areas that are a commonality throughout.
Bil said that this is how we can truly find what we are passionate about. God can't really use us until we understand what we are passionate about. That until then we are basically "stealing time from our employer."
I left really disheartened but also encouraged by some of the verses and other things he said. But I knew I really had to search and pray about what was spoken. There were so many things he said that I was really confused by. What happened to making God your passion and God will provide the rest? It
definitely made me uneasy, because I'm at a crossroad where I'm not 100% sure what God has called me to be passionate about. I have no doubt that God could reveal plans for our lives in a list of wants, but there are so many other ways that those plans could be revealed.
I was really upset a while back when I was having lunch with one of my board members who is probably in her fifties and she said something to the effect of, "I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to be when I grow up." Is that the way is goes for some people? You spend your life working jobs you hate all while slowing making your way towards your passion
and the grave?
In a really sad but selfish note: a year or so ago I bought the Michael Jackson Thriller record at a flea market and framed it for decoration.....
My Celeb Update:-Jon & Kate: I'm so annoyed by you, you've officially earned your
Octo-Mom status.
-Megan Fox: Get over yourself.
-Perez Hilton: I'm glad you got punched in the face, but your still gonna blog right
-Also while I was in Austin, I learned that Sandra Bullock not only loves Texas, but also historic preservation. My job is now looking a little more glamorous.
-If you are on Twitter you should
definitely follow @
mindykaling. It's Kelly from The Office and her tweets are seriously funny.
-Kayla is going to win So You Think You Can Dance right?!