Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Once again, I am stuck without transportation. Never assume that purchasing a new foreign made vehicle wont leave stuck at work when you have a day full of meetings.

Is this God's way of telling me I'm destined for a bike? In this humidity, I'm going to pray that's not the plan.

Is it sad that I have been watching all the Harry Potter movies so that I can see the new one? I have only seen 2 of the movies before, so I'm watching most of them for the first time.

During my HP marathon I learned that I would like Harry Potter, not Daniel Radcliffe, to play me in a bio-pic about my life.

Reason #1. We are both have extraordinarily pasty skin.
Reason #2. He has a scar that burns when evil comes around and I have a scar on my hand that turns red when I'm sweaty.
Reason #3. We both have a thing for Asians.
Reason #4. We are both athletes. Harry plays Quidditch and I enjoy watching tennis.

This comparison? One word, uncanny.


  1. I've started reading the books and they're really good. I didn't get to read them when I was younger because my parents thought it was evil. Did you like the new movie?

  2. omg. love these. so much. and i totally agree about the pasty skin.

    i just read the k's blog after laughing at yours.. but she's still got you beat. she's freaking hilarious. but at least you have competition.. right?
