I had written my check but forgot to take it to the office and literally the next day I had an eviction notice was on my door.
I thought that surely it was a mistake, but when I took my check I asked why they there was a notice on my door. Essentially, it came down to being a scare tactic to getting people to pay rent.
So, I was peeved by the notice but also because when I found it on my door the office was closed and the "24 hour answering service" wouldn't let me talk to a real office person when I told her I had an emergency.
She said disputing an eviction notice doesn't qualify as an emergency. I should have just called 911, that would've really gotten their attention, and possibly the attention of some psychiatric professionals...
Creepy/Embarassing things I've done this week: Work Edition
-I pretended to know someone on a personal level to keep a conversation going. They said, "Oh so you know So & So?" I had never met them, the only time I had ever spoken to the person they were asking about was when I took their drink order at Starbucks.
-Today I had to use the bathroom (#2) at work and the toilet wouldn't stop flushing. I freaked out and got out of the bathroom ASAP. It stunk in there and I was worried everyone would know it was me. Plus, I didn't want to be there if/when the toilet over flowed. This seems to be a common theme in my life...why God?
Paula Abdul isn't returning to American Idol. I was always annoyed by her nonsense & sloppy demeanor but she's one of the original judges. I think this is one of those cases where if you start messing with the original set up of the show, it's all going to go down hill.

Ugly Betty isn't going to be ugly anymore? What's the point then? Unless your renaming her Minority Betty, I wont be watching.

Also changing names...Radio Shack is changing it's name to just "The Shack."
My More to Love update: I strongly dislike the girl Melissa that cries all the time. I mean, pull it together, you're on TV!
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