Monday, June 2, 2008


Today, when I got up I had every intention of finding a job.  I was going to get my resume printed on nice paper and take it to some cool places.  This simple task was made difficult because my computer doesn't have a word processor.  After an hour of using someone else's computer and getting really frustrated.  I settled with the idea of finding a job that would possibly hire me right away.  So, since I scoped out the area surrounding my apt last night I was able to have a good idea on some jobs.  Starbucks, H&M, Old Navy, and T-Mobile were just of a few places that I visited and had a good response from...but no job yet.  But I know that God works in His own timing.  But, I was able to talk to a relative of mine who is coming to Manhattan for a board meeting invited me to out to eat at a place in Chinatown to meet some New York business people.  Free food and business talk ? Heck yes.    

Later in the day, I decided that I needed to go and get the proper software that way I could easily work on my resume whenever.  So I decided the best place to go would be the Apple store on 5th Avenue.  It was crazy nice.  But it was also good to get out of Harlem, window shop at the designer store at all sorts of crap I can't afford, and be in a part of the city where the subways don't smell as weird.  I really felt important today because 3 people asked me for directions!  I only helped two people though, and one was some girl that couldn't really speak English and she was looking for the Apple store....and it was definitely right across the street.  Either way full day number two was way easier I'm starting to understand the subways better now.  Huge, I know, but I can't really read a map so this is earth shattering for me.  I don't have any crazy embarrassing story or funny one-liner from today. Except I totally wish that some of you could see some of the crazies that roam the streets down here, all over not just in Harlem!  Yeah, I'll admit...I thought about buying the pirated "Made of Honor" from the blind man outside of Dunkin' Donuts.  But I didn't.  But only because I was really scared.  

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