Sunday, June 1, 2008


My first full day in the city was interesting to say the least.  I got up early to visit a church and because I'm new at the subway system I gave myself a whole hour to get there.  I left the apt at 9:30 hoping to make it by 10:30....nope, definitely 12:30.  Fortunately, they had a 1:15 service (and I thought only Beltway had a super late service?!)  So I walk in and there is only about 40-50 people there.  The church sorta made me think of Crosspoint in Abilene, it was a lot of young people.  But as soon as I walked in someone offered me communion....that was in a coffee creamer know the kind that they have at restaurants where you peel back the foil lid?  There was also a very chewy wafer attached to the top.  I'm convinced it was partially made of paper but whatev.  The people were all very friendly, I met so many passionate Christians and the worship was great.  Until....the preacher got up and started speaking tongues like literally ever 10 minutes.  Now, I have always said that I believe in speaking in tongues, but I had also never been around it.  I really thought I was going to start laughing!  It was so unusual, so I had a really hard time with that just because I had never dealt with anything like that in a service before.  THEN, the pastor says, "Someone in here has knees that are hurting."  A guy raises his hand and I turn around and he grabs his knee and his leg starts shaking and he said, "I don't know what it's doing."  The pastor comes over and the guys says he just had knee surgery 2 months ago and then the guy pulled his leg behind him and said he couldn't have done that earlier in the day.  I firmly believe in healing and God can do anything, it was just so much for me to handle for one service.  
The pastor had also talked a lot about being prideful (which is a huge problem for me) and how we have to rely and seek God in all we do.  So it was perfect for the situation I was in!  But the more I thought about it later the more I realized that I TRULY need God to have control of my life because everything is so unclear.  So I got a little discouraged but God is good and has given me assurance that His will will be done if I just seek Him first.  
After it took me like 2 hours to get home after the service I was totally wiped (the subways run different on weekends, which really helps my cause) so I went home and took a nap and figured out a plan of action for looking for a job tomorrow.
Later I went out and decided that I wanted to see what is all around the Harlem area, plus I hadn't eaten all day.  So I'm walking and low and behold there was an H&M literally like 2 blocks from the apt I'm in!  My day went from okay to uh-mazing.  Then I went to a Starbucks (also close to my apt) and asked for an application (because I'm in total need of cash flow.)  They said they were out but I should come by and get one tomorrow at 11 and meet the manager because most of the people who apply aren't qualified to work there.  Score. I knew my degree would come in handy.  So keep praying for me!  

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