But, adding to the list of guilty pleasures is "More to Love" on FOX. I just couldn't watch the Bachlorette this season because Jillian was such an idiot. So, I've filled that sleazy hole inside me with the Bachlorette's D-list, huskier, little brother...More to Love.

My parents and brother are coming to visit me this weekend. I'm really excited about them coming to see me. I cleaned my apartment yesterday for them to come and stay, only to learn they are going to a hotel.
I cleaned for nothing, I mean, those dirty dishes could have been left sitting in the sink for at least another week and a half!
Since early this morning I have what I am pretty sure is heartburn. I've never had heartburn so I'm kinda freaked out. I looked it up on WebMD to see if I really had heartburn and read this..."Is there something wrong with your digestive system? Or maybe you think it’s your heart."
Actually, I didn't think it was my heart. But now I don't know. If I die in my office it might be a while before anyone smells me from the hall I just changed the Glade Plug-in.
Why Karma is Real: I ignored a lady at Wal-Mart when she asked me for the time, this resulted in me stepping in vomit on the way to the parking lot.
I keep having a reoccurring thought. Months ago I visited the King Ranch, and during the tour they talked about how they burn acres of land at a time. In this process, they said that the land comes back more green and beautiful than ever.
I like to think about life being like that, God puts us through situations that make us feel abandoned, with nothing left, and unsure of the future. But in time, he makes everything more beautiful that it has ever been before.